We are happy to report that Democracy Academy has completed our first pilot class in the City of Kalamazoo. On Monday, June 12th, our team successfully completed our first workshop with 15 participants. Participants included volunteers and leaders from El Concilio, Outfront Kalamazoo, NAACP, League of Women Voters, and the YWCA; along with general community members.

Beginning this year, Democracy Academy is hosting a series of educational workshops to explore the problem of low voter participation in municipal elections, how our current system perpetuates low turnout, and why the result is eroding our community-level democratic institutions. Participants will learn what they can do to lead the change to make voting in local elections a priority in their communities.
Our first workshop was a fantastic opportunity for local community activists to convene and discuss the work ahead for the 2023 local election season. We thank them for spending their valuable time with us for an evening of learning and engagement.
Participants also provided us with constructive feedback through post-workshop surveys they completed at the end of the evening. We will use this feedback as we revise and improve our materials and presentation for future workshops later this summer.