Michigan Votes 2020 Clerk Help Desk Toolkit
This toolkit offers ready-to-go materials and information for clerks who want to implement digital time-buys, mailings, and collaterals leading up to November around the topic of safe voting. All of the materials below can be easily customized to the municipality.
Media Message Guidance
Please find below general message guidance to be used in social media, digital, mail, radio, and any other media leading up to election day.
General Guidance:
- Make a plan and do it early!
Voting By Mail:
- Vote from the comfort of your home
- Every Michigan citizen has the right to vote by mail
Secure Drop Boxes:
- They’re a safe, secure, and an efficient way to get your ballot in on time
- Use a secure drop box, or drop it off at your local voting center
Voting in Person on Election Day:
- Voting in person on Election Day is perfectly safe. Your polling location will have gloves, masks, thermometers, wipes, and masks.
- All offices and polling places will be fully staffed with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- We’re all in this together
- Every vote will be counted
- Our elections are safe and secure
Steps for Voting:
- It’s your voice and your vote
- Take advantage of the voting options - you have more choices than ever before
- Register to vote or check that your voter registration is up to date and accurate
- Choose whether to vote from home or at the polls - but vote early if you can
- If you’re voting from home:
- Request your ballot now and give yourself plenty of time to return it by mail before election day
- OR -- instead of returning your ballot by mail, drop it off at a secure drop-box near you before election day
- Some locations even have drive-through drop boxes!
- Voting at the polls is ok - too.
- The best way to vote in person is to take advantage of the early vote period at your local vote center
- That’s right - an in-person voting office is open near you BEFORE election day
- The lines will be short and you can socially distance in a safe, clean and healthy environment
- Let’s be absolutely clear: No matter how you vote, your vote will be counted
Important Dates
Below are important dates to be aware of when posting and scheduling content
- NOW – Voters can print and submit a paper application for an absentee ballot for the November 3 general election.
- NOW – The Secretary of State’s online application for an absentee ballot re-opens.
- September 24, 2020 – In person absentee voting is available in city and township clerk’s offices for the November 3 general election.
- October 19, 2020 – Last day to register to vote online or through the mail for the November general election. Get registered to vote early and do it online, if you can. Starting on October 20 through 8:00 p.m. on Election Day you must register to vote in person at your city or township clerk’s office and provide “proof of residency.”
- October 20, 2020 – If you plan to submit your completed absentee ballot by mailing it to your clerk, put it in the mail by October 20 to be sure it arrives in time. Or, even better, submit your completed absentee ballot by dropping it off at your city or township clerk’s office or ballot drop box provided by your clerk. Absentee ballots must be RECEIVED by your clerk by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.
- Weekend of October 31 – November 1, 2020 – Clerks’ offices must be open for at least eight hours for in person absentee voting.
- November 3, 2020 – Election Day! Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. local time.
Secretary of State Resources
Paid Communications/Voter Contact:
There are a number of tactics you may choose to employ to communicate the various voting options available for the November general election. When designing your plan, keep in mind who your targets are - you want to make sure you are not only delivering the right messages, but picking the right medium to reach your targets. Timing also matters, so you want to make sure you are delivering the right messages to the right targets at the right moment. Below please find short summaries of each tactic and when you may choose to employ it. Further down, you will find examples creative for each tactic. We are available to help you execute your creative and placement, as needed. Please contact Angela Shiue at 248- 561-7381 or email us at help@detroitvotes2020.org.
There are a number of options when buying TV, including cable, satellite, addressable cable and Over The Top (OTT, or streaming). Addressable and OTT services increase messaging reach and the overall effectiveness of a paid media plan and are essential when targeting younger voters and non-English speakers. Traditional cable is best for older or rural markets.
Radio is a great long form option to reach voters, as it usually costs the same to run :30 or :60 spot. Research shows people are consuming the same or more radio during the pandemic, despite fewer people commuting to work. Radio can be strategically used to reach audiences by district and demographic and can also be effective in lower-cost rural markets where voters spend significant amounts of time on the road.
Digital advertising can deliver the message with audio and moving visuals with repetition and inspiring engagement. Ads can be highly targeted and analytics allow for campaigns to optimize based on real-time data. You can also post content on digital for free on social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Anyone who sees your digital post can like, comment, and share your content with their own networks.
Texting is a fairly cost-effective way to reach voters and provides an opportunity for direct Q&A. There is new research that suggests image texts result in higher engagement, so that is important to keep in mind if budget allows. Texting, however, can only reach voters will cell phones and cell phones need to be appended to the target file.
Live Phones
Paid phones are a great way to reach voters with landlines.
Mail is great to underscore a website, relevant phone numbers, and other “must keep” information. It also allows more targeted messages and is especially important to engagement segments of seniors and busy female cohorts. Repetition is especially important when it comes to mail.
Sample Content
Sample Text - AV Ballot Chase
Hey, it’s Clerk [insert name] letting you know that you can return your absentee ballot any time before Election Day! You’re helping keep our community safe by voting from home. Return your absentee ballot by mail, at a secure drop box, or drop it off at the Clerk’s Office. Let’s get it done together, [insert city]!
Optional: [insert image]
Sample Text - Online Voter Registration Chase
Hey there, it’s Clerk [insert name] reminding you that the online voter registration deadline is coming up on October 19th. The future of [insert city] is on the ballot on November 3rd, and your vote matters! Register to vote online right now at {LINK}
Optional: [insert image]
Sample Live Phone Script - Vote Early
“Hi may I speak to [name1][name2]?" [indicate to whom we spoke by putting “id” into “spoke to” field]
“Hi, I'm ____ calling with Detroit Votes 2020 on behalf of Clerk [insert name]. Have you decided if you are voting early this year? Either by mail, a secure ballot drop box, or voting early in person? Or are you waiting to vote in-person on Election Day?
(01) By Mail: “Terrific!” Go to Q3.
(02) Secure Drop Box: “Fantastic!” Go to Q5
(03) Early In-Person: “Great!” Go to Q4
(04) In-Person on Election Day: “Great!” Go To Q2
(19) UNSURE: “Okay. Go to Q1.
(20) DECLINED TO PARTICIPATE (didn’t answer question): “Thank you. Goodbye.
(21) DO NOT CALL: “Thank you. Goodbye.
(23) NOT VOTING: “Oh no! This election is very important and every vote matters. We hope you reconsider voting. Thank you. Goodbye.
(30) Didn’t finish first sentence [please enter id1 into spoketo field]
(31) Language Barrier [please enter id1 into spoketo field]
(32) Deceased [please enter id1 into spoketo field]
(34) Refused (from other than target) [please enter id1 into spoketo field]
(35) Privacy Manager [please enter id1 into spoketo field]
(80) Wrong Number [please enter id1 into spoketo field]
(86) Modem/Fax [please enter id1 into spoketo field]
(90) Not in Service [please enter id1 into spoketo field]
(91) Changed [please enter id1 into spoketo field]
(92) Invalid Number [please enter id1 into spoketo field]
Q1: Voting has already begun in Michigan. You can vote early in-person in-person at a neighborhood voting center now, request a ballot be mailed to you and mail it back, request a ballot be mailed to you and drop it into a secure, designated dropbox, or vote in person on election day at your typical polling location. Which method of voting do you think is going to be the easiest for you this year?
By Mail: “Terrific!” Go to Q2.
Secure Drop Box: “Fantastic!” Go to Q4
Absentee In-Person: “Great!” Go to Q3
In-Person on Election Day: “Great!” Go To Q2
Unsure: “Ok, be sure to make a plan to vote as soon as you can. For more information you can visit [insert website] and you can find everything you need. Thank you for being a voter. Goodbye.
Refuse: “Thank you for voting. Goodbye.
Q2: Voting in-person on election day is a great way to vote. However, you can also vote in-person, early. It is the same process as voting on election day, but you get to skip the crowd and go when it is convenient for you. Knowing this, would you still like to vote in-person on election day or would you like to know more about voting early in-person or by mail?
In-person on Election Day: “Great! The most important thing is that you vote. For more information and questions you can go to [insert website]. Thank you for voting, Goodbye. This call was paid for by Disclaimer”
Early In-Person: “Great! Go to Q4”
Voting by Mail: ““Great! Go to Q3”
Refuses: “Thank you for voting. Goodbye.
Q3: Voting by mail this year is a secure and convenient way to ensure your vote is counted. If you are concerned about returning your ballot through the mail, you can simply take your ballot and put it into a secure drop box near you. To find your assigned designated secure drop box , please visit [insert website]
Q4: Voting Early in-person is a great way to vote. It is just like voting on election day and with 21 voting centers around the city - it’s safe, secure, and convenient. For a list of vote center locations please visit [insert website]
Q5: Taking your vote by mail ballot and putting it in a secure, designated drop box is a secure and convenient way to vote. For a full list of secure drop boxes across the city please visit [insert website]
Sample AV Ballot Chase Postcard

Sample Letter for Pre-Populated Voter Registration Form
(City Logo)
Dear Resident,
According to our review of publicly available records, you may not be registered to vote at your current address.
If you have already registered at this time or are ineligible, please disregard this notice.
If not, it is important that you complete this registration application as soon as possible so you will be able to vote.
Most eligible citizens are registered to vote. As part of our ongoing voter registration program, we will review the publicly available voter file in a few weeks to see if you have mailed your form. We would like to see you added to the list of registered voters.
Registering to vote is simple and convenient!
Check if you are already registered at mi.gov/vote
If you’re not already registered and are eligible to vote, find your name and address on the enclosed voter registration form. If either is incorrect, please cross it out and write in the correct information.
Enter the required information on the form and return it in the enclosed pre-addressed, postage-paid envelope.
Alternatively, you may register to vote online at mi.gov/vote and discard the enclosed voter registration form.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter.
Clerk, CITY
Note: October 19 is the deadline to mail your voter registration form if you want to vote in the general election on November 3, 2020. You can also register online at mi.gov/vote through October 19, 2020 or in person at the Clerk’s Office through Election Day, November 3, 2020. The Clerk’s Office is located at XXX.
Sample Letter for Blank Voter Registration Form
(City Logo)
Dear Resident,
According to our review of publicly available records, members of your household may not be registered to vote at their current address.
If they have already registered at this time or are ineligible, please disregard this notice.
If not, it is important that they complete this registration application as soon as possible so they will be able to vote.
Most eligible citizens are registered to vote. As part of our ongoing voter registration program, we will review the publicly available voter file in a few weeks to see if they have mailed their form. We would like to see them added to the list of registered voters.
Registering to vote is simple and convenient!
Check if they are already registered at mi.gov/vote
If they’re not already registered and are eligible to vote, they can enter the required information on the enclosed voter registration form and return it in the enclosed pre-addressed, postage-paid envelope.
Alternatively, they may register to vote online at mi.gov/vote and discard the enclosed voter registration form.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter.
Clerk, CITY
Note: October 19 is the deadline to mail your voter registration form if you want to vote in the general election on November 3, 2020. You can also register online at mi.gov/vote through October 19, 2020 or in person at the Clerk’s Office through Election Day, November 3, 2020. The Clerk’s Office is located at XXX.
Dear Resident,
According to [CITY] records, you requested an absentee ballot, but have not yet returned your ballot to the Clerk’s Office.
If you have already completed and returned your absentee ballot, or plan to vote in-person on Election Day, please disregard this notice.
If not, it is important that you complete and return your absentee ballot to the Clerk’s Office as soon as possible, so your vote will be counted in the November 3rd general election.
To ensure your vote is counted, you must sign the external return envelope with your formal signature, similar to your drivers license or state ID. If the signature on your ballot envelope does not match official records, your ballot may be invalidated.
Once completed, you can return your absentee ballot to the Clerk’s Office by mail, in a secure ballot drop box, or in-person at the Clerk’s office located at [ADDRESS].
Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter.
DEADLINE: Your absentee ballot must be received by the Clerk’s Office by 8:00 PM on Election Day, November 3rd, 2020.
Sample Digital Content

Sample Digital Billboard

Sample Radio Script
This radio script will need to be customized to the local jurisdiction. Most :60 radio ads include approximately 130 – 150 words
Hello this is Clerk [insert name] of [CITY] encouraging you to vote and vote early (15)
Your voice matters - and you have voting options that are safe, secure and convenient (14)
Check your voter registration status at M-I dot gov backslash vote (12)
You can register online before October 19th or at our office in-person any time before Election Day (17)
Once registered, pick how you want to vote: by mail, early in-person, or on election day (16)
Everyone has the right to vote by mail with an absentee ballot. You must request your ballot online, or at our office (describe location/or website) (22)
Your ballot will include instructions on how to fill it out. You can return it by mail, at our office, or at a secure dropbox (25)
If you prefer voting in person, we are prepared to keep you safe. Early in-person at our office has already begun, or come [hour to hour] on Election Day (29)
Get out and Vote, [City]! We’re at (website)(5)
Sample Television Script
TV spots are :30 long and about 76 words.
Audio: Vote and vote early! (4)
Visual: Clerk to camera with name, title and Sec of State website-URL below mi.gov/vote
Audio: Your options are safe, secure and convenient (7)
Visual: Clerk to camera with name, title and Sec of State website-URL below mi.gov/vote
Audio: Check your voter registration status at M-I dot gov backslash vote (11)
Visual: Drop clerk name, and keep Sec of State website-URL below mi.gov/vote
Audio: Register online before October 19th or at our office in-person any time before Election Day (17)
Visual: Keep Sec of State website-URL below mi.gov/vote
Then decide how to vote: absentee by mail, absentee in-person, or on election day (14)
Visual: (Change visual to local Clerk Website or Address)
Request your ballot online, or at our office (8)
Visual: (Clerk Website or Address)
Return it by mail, to our office, or a secure dropbox (11)
On Election Day, vote [hour to hour]! (4)
Let’s go, [City/Town]!(3)
The Count MI Vote Education Fund is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.