If encounter any barriers or are told you can not vote – Call or text the Election Protection Hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)
Inkster voters, it’s time to vote!
Michigan’s Midterm Election is on Tuesday, November 8th.
All eligible voters can choose to vote from home, vote in person before Election Day, or vote on Election Day. Choose an option below to learn more:
Vote from Home
All registered voters can vote from home before Election Day — that means you!
Your vote will be counted if you vote from home before Election Day, no matter which option you choose. You have options to vote from home. The earlier you start, the more options you have.
It’s easy to vote without leaving your home before Election Day! Make sure you begin the steps below so you can choose the most convenient option for you.
First, request your ballot by submitting an application. You must submit an application to receive your absentee ballot.
- Complete and submit your application online here if you have a valid Michigan driver’s license or state ID
- Download a ballot application form here and mail it to the Inkster City Clerk at 26215 Trowbridge Street Inkster, Michigan 48141
- Go to the Inkster City Clerk at 26215 Trowbridge Street Inkster, Michigan 48141 to submit your application in person
Make sure you submit your application to request your ballot as soon as possible!
Then, complete your ballot.
- Fill out your ballot
- Place your ballot in the provided envelope
- Sign the outside of the envelope with your official signature that matches your voter registration and date
Finally, return your ballot.
Your ballot must be received by 8 pm on November 8. You can choose how you want to return your ballot depending on which option works best for you:
- Place your ballot with a stamp on the provided envelope in the mail. In order to make sure your ballot is received on time, we recommend you place it in the mail by October 25th.
- After October 25th, we strongly encourage you to return your absentee ballot in person to a secure drop box or take it inside to a member of the clerk’s staff.
- Put your ballot in a secure drop box. Find the drop box nearest to you at: MichiganDropBox.com
- Drop your ballot off at the Inkster City Clerk at 26215 Trowbridge Street Inkster, Michigan 48141
- Have an immediate family member or someone who lives with you drop your ballot off at the Inkster City Clerk at 26215 Trowbridge Street Inkster, Michigan 48141
Vote in Person Before Election Day
All registered voters can vote before Election Day — that means you!
Your vote will be counted if you vote before Election Day, no matter which option you choose. You have options to vote early.
Starting on September 29th, you can vote in person at the Inkster City Clerk at 26215 Trowbridge Street Inkster, Michigan 48141.
- When you arrive at the office, ask for an application for an absentee ballot, fill it out, and return it to the staff.
- They will then give you an absentee ballot.
- Complete your ballot, place it in the provided envelope, and then sign and date the outside envelope. Return it to the staff.
The Inkster City Clerk is open:
Monday from 8:30am to 4:00pm
Tuesday from 8:30am to 4:00pm
Wednesday from 8:30am to 4:00pm
Thursday from 8:30am to 4:00pm
Friday from 8:30am to 4:00pm
Saturday, November 5th from 8:00am - 4:00pm
Vote on Election Day
Michigan’s Midterm Election is on Tuesday, November 8th 2022.
If you are registered to vote:
You must vote at your assigned polling place. Polls are open from 7 am to 8 pm. If you are in line by 8 pm at your polling place, you will be able to vote.
You can find your polling place online at the Michigan Voter Information Center here.
If you are not registered to vote:
You can complete your voter registration and vote on Election Day at the Inkster City Clerk at 26215 Trowbridge Street Inkster, Michigan 48141. Make sure you bring one type (paper or electronic copy) of “proof of residency” with you.
- Your Michigan driver’s license or state ID card
- A utility bill with your name and address on it
- A bank statement with your name and address on it
- A paycheck with your name and address on it
- A government check with your name and address on it
- Any other government document with your name and address on it